Serbian True Orthodox Church
Paschal Encyclical 2022
To all faithful children of the Church of St.
We greet you on the Feast of Feasts, the Holy Resurrection of Christ:
Christ is Risen!
“ Come ye, take light from the unwaning Light
and glorify Christ, Risen from the dead...”
In accordance with ancient Christian tradition, the paschal service begins with the distribution of light. While in the church, when all the lights - candles and lamps - have been extinguished, the bishop comes out of the altar with the dikirion and trikirion lit from the lamp on the Holy Table, singing the following stichiron: “ Come ye, take light from the unwaning Light and glorify Christ, Risen from the dead.” He then distributes this flame as a blessing to the faithful who approach to light their candles. Then, while singing, “Thy resurrection, O Christ Savior,” they go outside and process three times around the church. Afterwards, they reinter trumphantly into the fully lighted temple which symbolizes the Tomb out of which the Resurrection of Christ shone onto the world.