
петак, 27. април 2012.

Свештеномученик Николај жички о свештеномученику Варнави патријарху Српском


Епископа Николаја Жичког поводом шестомесечног парастоса

блаженопочившем Патријарху Српском Варнави (+1937)

Данас се навршава шест месеци откако се једна књига затворила а друга отворила; затворила - књига земаљског века нашег родољубивог Патријарха Варнаве, отворила - књига гоњења и страдања православне народне цркве у Југославији. Ове две књиге остаће нераздвојне на век века; поколење наше оставиће их обе у аманет поколењу будућем као јаку поуку и оштру опомену. Поука ће гласити: Духовна и морална снага народа јача је од бруталне физичке силе једне, ма које олигархије. Оштра опомена гласиће: Не удри брата за рачун туђина; не понижавај мајку за хатар маћехе. Јер ће те стићи Божја освета и народна клетва.

среда, 25. април 2012.

God Will Reveal Whom to Commemorate

God Will Reveal Whom to Commemorate
Statement of Hieromonk Sava, Former Cleric of the Russian Spiritual Mission of the ROCOR in Jerusalem

Until recently I hoped that I could pray to God in quiet in a peaceful place, not taking part in arguments and divisions.  “It turns out, however, that church life does not stay frozen at zero, but seethes and boils over the point of boiling” (Letter of Hieromartyr St. Joseph of Petrograd to Archimandrite Leo Yegorov). Because of this, I too must say something and not stay on the sidelines of Church life. First of all, however, I pray to Our Lord and God Jesus Christ that my poor words will not scandalize anyone.
As Bishop Agathangel (Pashkovski) does not cease to mention my unworthy name (see the official site of the Russian Church Abroad (A)), I must respond, not to him, as that would be useless, but rather to those who sincerely sorrow over my fate.

уторак, 24. април 2012.

Holy Father Barnabas, Pray to God for Us!

Sketch for Icon of Hieromartyr Barnabas

As the bishop of the Resava-Shumadia eparchy of the Serbian TOC, I call upon the believing people of St. Sava’s Church and all Orthodox Christians to bring forth from the shadows the radiant and holy memory of the Serbian Patriarch-Martyr Barnabas (Rosich).
Patriarch Barnabas’ confessing life and work, already during his life, and following his martyric death, were deservedly put on a saint’s pedestal of a great fighter on behalf of Orthodoxy, Orthodox monarchy, and Slavophilism, due to his great merit and tireless battle not only for the Serbian Church and Svetosavlje, i.e. Serbian Orthodoxy, but also for the confessing Russian emigration.

субота, 14. април 2012.


Paschal Epistle

By the Mercy of God,
True Orthodox Bishop of Resava and Shumadia

To all the faithful children of St. Sava’s Serbian Church I send the most radiant and joyous ancient Christian salutation: Christ is Risen!
Every year, the Light of the Resurrection of Christ inspires us anewto persevere firmly and unwaveringly in the fight for our holy Orthodox Faith, and, at the same time, for our much suffering Serbian nation.  The triumphant celebration of the feast of the Holy Resurrection, which is preceded by the most terrible and glorious week of the holy, saving sufferings of Christ, always reminds us that without suffering and Golgotha there is no Resurrection. Every one is called to follow the path of Golgotha. To take up one’s cross and follow Christ means to have true repentance, to bring forth the fruits of repentance, so that for the love of Christ, we have to bear every suffering which happens to us, looking to Christ Himself who suffered for us sinners. The history of our much-suffering people is Golgothic.  The ideal of suffering for the sake of loyalty to Christ has always deeply permeated our people. While this blessed spirit was present in our people, we could hope for the resurrection of the earthly Church and state. Today we lack that living faith in the Cross and Resurrection which in every fateful moment gave our people hope and raised them up.