God Will Reveal Whom
to Commemorate
Statement of Hieromonk Sava, Former Cleric of the Russian
Spiritual Mission of the ROCOR in Jerusalem
Until recently I hoped that I could pray to God in quiet in
a peaceful place, not taking part in arguments and divisions. “It turns out, however, that church life does
not stay frozen at zero, but seethes and boils over the point of boiling”
(Letter of Hieromartyr St. Joseph of Petrograd to Archimandrite Leo Yegorov). Because
of this, I too must say something and not stay on the sidelines of Church life.
First of all, however, I pray to Our Lord and God Jesus Christ that my poor
words will not scandalize anyone.
As Bishop Agathangel (Pashkovski) does not cease to mention
my unworthy name (see the official site of the Russian Church Abroad (A)), I must
respond, not to him, as that would be useless, but rather to those who
sincerely sorrow over my fate.
There are many lies and deceptions in the actions of Bishop
Agathangel, but it is not mine to judge. I will try to speak only of what
concerns me personally.
In 1995 I was with Bishop Lazarus (Zhurbenko), and sensing
that sooner or later my path would cross that of Bishop Agathangel, I asked, “Can
Bishop Agathangel be considered Orthodox?” To this question I was given the
unambiguous answer: “No.” Then the canonical reason for the aforementioned
Agathangel not being Orthodox was brought forth. As there has never been a
conciliar trial concerning this question, and as the respected Bishop Andronik
(Kotljarov) has not been allowed to address it, I will say only this, that,
basing my actions on the 15thCanon of the First-Second Council, I have
never commemorated Bp. Agathangel in the Liturgy. Once only, in 2007, prior to
the ordination of Fr. Andronik to the rank of bishop, I had decided to take
part in the Liturgy at which the ordination was to take place, although I
fervently prayed to God to enlighten me by His providence if this was not His
will. Glory to God, Bp. Agathangel himself told me before the Liturgy that I
should not serve with them.
After that, he suggested that I create a parish in Kiev, in
the community of the provocateur D. Korchinsky, which I decisively rejected. I
do not know why Bp. Agathangel put me on his list for his mission to Jamaica. I
was never given a summons for this assignment, I was never there, and I never
prepared to go.
Let me return for a bit to the 1990’s. At the sobor of the
ROCOR in 1994 held at Lesna, Archbishop Anthony (Sinkevich) told me the
following prophetic words: “The Russian Church Abroad is not spiritually
greater than Optina Monastery at the time of the Bolshevik Revolution. When
they closed the Optina Monastery, three great elders were living an ascetical
life there, but that did not prevent the monastery from being closed. And we,
that is, the Russian Church Abroad, are not spiritually greater than those
Optina elders, andthus we shall be closed as well.” I asked him, “What should
we do then?” And I was given this answer: “First it will be very blurry, and
you won’t know whom to commemorate, so serve according to the ukaz of Patriarch
Tikhon #362. After the sludge settles, God will reveal whom to
Nearly two decades have gone by since then. In 2007 I asked
Metropolitan Lavr for a release, because I did not know what the will of God was
for me a sinner, and I did not want to take part in apostasy. For three years I
lived in isolation on Mt. Athos, and then I found a desert place in the
Carpathian Mountains where I am trying to build a skete dedicated to the
venerable St. Seraphim of Sarov. It seems that the sludge has settled, and now
it can be seen that Bp. Agathangel is not striving for that purity about which
St. John Maximovich prophesied: “The Russian Church Abroad will be very small
in the last times, but pure as crystal!”
Let us now look at the Russian True Orthodox Church. A
healthy organism expels pus, while a sick organism nourishes various parasites.
Thus some parasites left the Russian True Orthodox Church
and joined with Bp. Agathangel. Our Lord and God Jesus Christ did not join them
together; rather, they are united in their common apostasy, the apostasy of
which the ever-memorable Bishop Lazarus (Zhurbenko) spoke. In order not to say
too much before a conciliar judgment, I will only say that this concerns the
matter of the heresy that Alexander Men preached. The Orthodox will know what
this is about, and I am not concerned about the thinking of the non-orthodox.
May I remind you of that which I personally saw, and of
which I had the opportunity to assure myself from the mouth of my close friend
and murdered brother Jose Munoz: According to the command from Above, he
painted a copy of the wonder-working, myrrh-streaming Iveron Icon which was
called the Montreal Icon, and he was told from Above that this copy should
remain with that pillar of Orthodoxy, Bp. Lazarus (Zhurbenko). As it was
commanded, so it was accomplished. In 1995 I prayed before this icon with Bp.
Lazarus. To this day, this icon illumines the way of the Russian True Orthodox
Church! (Icon) I pray that Our Lord and God Jesus Christ will preserve this
icon, under the protection of Our Most Holy Lady Theotokos, by the prayers of
the Archangel of God Michael and all the Heavenly Hosts, the New Martyrs and Confessors
of the Russian Church, and all the saints.
Let the closing of this humble epistle be
these words from a letter of St. Theophan the Recluse: “O Lord, may Thy will be
done, and by Thy Providence save me.”
Unworthy Hieromonk Sava (Bogdan)
7/20 November 2011
The Holy Father-Confessors of the Catacomb Church
Hristos voskrese! Gde je prevod?! Ne znamo svi engleski!
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