Serbian True Orthodox
Paschal Encyclical 2023
Hierarchical Council of
the STOC
Under the chairmanship
of His Grace Akakije, Bishop of Uteshiteljevo
To All the Faithful
Children of St Sava’s Church
We congratulate You on
the Feast of Feasts,
The Radiant Resurrection
of Christ:
“Blessed is he who
has not seen but believed.” -John 20:29
These words of the risen Lord, which were first directed at the apostle Thomas, who had refused to believe the apostolic witness of the Resurrection until he had seen the Risen Lord and touched His resurrected body, are also directed at us who did not witness His resurrection with our physical eyes.
words are directed to all of us who are separated from the resurrection in time
by twenty centuries. Blessed are we because we have not seen but we believe!
This blessedness denotes the great spiritual grace gifted to us from the Lord
for our faith in His resurrection.
and sin have made man experience life in the world as bitter and a curse, and
he cannot escape this feeling until he has been saved from death and sin. We
find salvation from sin and death in this blessedness, the faith of the blessed
to whom the Risen Lord revealed the unmistakable path of rescue from sin and
death. Blessed are those who have not seen but believe.
holy apostles, they who saw with their eyes and touched with their own hands (1
John 1:1), proclaimed this faith so that we who have not
seen can believe and be in communion with those who have seen (1John 1:3).
the essence of our salvation consists of faith in the resurrection of Christ.
Faith in Christ’s Resurrection is the foundation of our faith because if Christ
had not risen from the dead, as the Apostle says, then our faith is empty and
futile, for we are still in our sins (1 Cor 15:14-17). Therefore, the Resurrection of Christ is the
first, most important, and greatest truth upon which is founded all the
apostolic preaching, all of the apostolic faith “which conquers the world” (1
John 5:4).
as Christ’s death on the Cross accomplished our salvation, so His resurrection
granted us immortality. The resurrection of Christ opened the way for us to the
universal resurrection and entry into the eternal blessedness of the Kingdom of
Christ is not resurrected, then He did not die either, says the great St John
Chrysostom. If He did not die, then He did not destroy sin, for only His death
could destroy sin, as it has been said: “Behold, the Lamb of the God which
taketh away the sin of the world” (John 1:29).
In what way did He take away sin?
Through His death. That is why He
is called the Lamb, because He had to be slaughtered. If He did not resurrect, then neither was He
slaughtered. If He was not slaughtered,
then sin has not been destroyed and we are still in our sins. If we are still
in our sins, then the apostolic preaching is in vain, and if the preaching is
in vain, then we believe in vain. If
Christ is not risen, then death is not defeated. If death is not defeated, then
it is still immortal.
greatest victory was His resurrection from the dead. The resurrection confirmed
above all His all-powerful Divinity. The
resurrection of Christ left the stamp for all time of His victory over sin and
resurrection of Christ, therefore, is not only the main element of our faith,
our blessedness, and our salvation, but also our greatest celebration, the
never-silent triumph which reaches its apex on the feastday of the victory over
hades, sin and death – the feastday of the Resurrection of Christ.
in the resurrection of Christ is faith in eternal life. “He that believeth on the Son [born,
crucified, resurrected and coming again in glory] hath everlasting life: and he
that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on
him” (Jn 3:36).
and Sisters, remember Jesus Christ, risen from the dead (2 Tim 2:8): remember
the Resurrection of Christ as the foundation of our holy faith, and love that
faith, nurture it and strive to live by it.
On Pascha, 2023 AD
Your intercessors before the Risen Christ,
Bishop of Uteshiteljevo
Bishop of Shumadia
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