
петак, 5. август 2022.

A Brotherly Meeting at Lesna Convent

Brotherly co-celebrating in Lesna:  Archbishop Andronik of New York and North America and Bishop Akakije of Uteshiteljevo

On the 18th of July (31 NS) on the Sunday of the Fathers of the Sixth Ecumenical Council, Bishops Akakije of Uteshiteljevo and Archbishop Andronik of New York and North America served together with their clergymen in the Lesna Convent, a historic monastery of the Russian Church Abroad.

The meeting of the hierarchs of the two sister churches (the Russian Church Abroad and the Serbian True Orthodox Church) was arranged by combining Bishop Akakije’s regular visit to Lesna with a pilgrimage from the USA led by Bishop Andronik.

Along with a festive co-celebration of the Hierarchical Liturgy, accompanied by the compunction singing of the Lesna nuns, bishops Akakije and Andronik led a clergy meeting to discuss current events in the Church and in the world. Clergy and pilgrims alike were blessed to spend several days enjoying spiritual friendship and community at the Lesna convent in the beautiful countryside of Normandy.

The entire event took place under the protection of the Lesna Icon of Our Most Pure Lady, before which was festively sung a service of intercession and akathist hymn.

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