
понедељак, 9. август 2021.

Ten Year Anniversary of Cosecration to the Episcopate and Guests from the Russian Church Abroad


At Uteshiteljevo on Sunday, August 8 NS/26 July OS, we celebrated Bishop Akakije’s 10 year anniversary of consecration to the episcopacy with a festive hierarchical liturgy. Besides the participation of Bishop Nektarije of Shumadia with our priests and faithful, the presence of guests from America, a group of Russian pilgrims from the Russian Church Abroad, led by Archbishop Sophrony of Saint Petersburg and Northern Russia, crowned the celebration.

Bishop Akakije of Uteshiteljevo led the festive hierarchical liturgy with the co-celebration of Archbishop Sophrony, Bishop Nektarije and the clergymen present.

In the sermon during the liturgy Bishop Akakije commented on the incident in the gospel of the healing of the two blind men, emphasizing the importance of faith in God, faith which works miracles, along with their public confession of their saving faith in God. He also commented on the evil of the Jews who accused the Lord of working miracles with the help of the prince of evil, evil which transformed the Jews from being God’s chosen people to Satan’s chosen people, God-killing people and the earthly bearers of the mystery of iniquity (2 Thess 2:7) which are culminating before our eyes in the form of the so-called pandemic, or pandemonium of Covid 19. Then His Grace continued by touching on the vitally important event of the renewal of a canonical True Orthodoxy episcopacy which began with his consecration to the episcopacy by bishops of the Russian TOC at Lesna, Our Lady’s historical convent in the Russian Church Abroad in France. At the end, he blessed all those present with the apostle’s words, “Stand firm and hold fast to the traditions!” (2 Thess 2:15).

After the Holy Liturgy followed the meal of love during which many toasts were made in honor of the consecration jubilee and in honor of the Russian-Serbian friendship.  The most prominent toast was given by Mr Mark Kotliaroff, a parish choir conductor from New York. The toast had a special charm as Mr. Mark made an effort to deliver it in Serbian.  Afterwards Russian children from New York sang “Many Years” for Bishop Akakije.  Fr Jovan Ristic, in the name of the Hierarchical Council of the STOC presented to all those present the model of a beautiful silver medallion with a hand painted icon of St. Sava of Serbia, which has been ordered to be made by hand to be given as a present to Bishop Akakije in honor of his 10th year anniversary. Immediately after this announcement half the price of this magnificent work of art was raised from among those present. After the official closing of the celebration followed relaxed visiting with the singing of pious songs.

We take this opportunity to congratulate His Grace Bishop Akakije on the ten year jubilee of his consecration to the episcopate, wishing that the Lord grant him strength and health to divide the word of Christ’s truth for many years to come for the salvation of the flock entrusted to him in Serbia and throughout the world, for the preservation of True Orthodoxy among the international Serbian population.


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