
недеља, 22. март 2020.

КОРОНА ВИРУС - Саопштење за јавност Архијерејског Савета СИПЦ

Српска Истински Православна Црква
Архијерејски Савет

Недеља Светог Григорија Паламе
02/15. март 2020.

поводом новонастале ванредне ситуације у свету и Србији у вези са епидемијом корона вируса

Драга браћо и сестре,

Услед ескалације панике изазване појавом епидемије корона вируса обавештавамо вас да се редовни ток и начин богослужбеног живота наше црквене заједнице неће мењати.


The Serbian True Orthodox Church
Hierarchical Council

Sunday of St. Gregory Palamas
March 2/15 2020

Statement to the Public 
concerning the current emergency situation in the world and in Serbia
 due to the Corona virus epidemic

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Due to the escalating panic caused by the appearance of the Corona virus epidemic, we wish to inform you that the usual order of the liturgical life of our community will not change.  As celebrators of the holy mysteries, we are carefully following the events connected to the spread of this new virus.  The godless and ill-willed might interpret and condemn our stance as a light-minded attitude towards a dangerous epidemic. We state in advance that we do not attribute any significance to these kinds of attacks, for we are not declaring a personal opinion on this matter, but rather we base our statement on the centuries-old tradition and experience of the Orthodox Church, which during Her two-millennium-long history has faced the spreading of much more dangerous plagues.