of Sodom, You and Your Sodomite Revolution
are not Welcome in Serbia!
the Lord said, ‘Because the cry of Sodom and Gomorrah is great, and because
their sin is very grievous, I will go down now, and see whether they have done
altogether according to the cry of it; and if not, I will know.” (1 Gen. 18:20-21)
Sunday September 28 according to the civil calendar, every man who considers
himself an Orthodox Christian must in a dignified and non-violent way pronounce
his “NO!” to the citizens of Sodom, who with the support of the pro-European
democratic government will shamelessly march through the Serbian capital. They seek that we Orthodox Serbs accept their
Sodomite sin as a normal phenomenon, without which acceptance Serbia has no
place in the morally degenerate, anti-Christian European Union.
are the citizens of Sodom, and what are the consequences of their morally
depraved revolution which they are attempting for the umpteenth time to conduct
soon in Belgrade? Do you know, Brother and Sister Serbs, the Old Testament
story of righteous Lot and the city of Sodom?
That story should reveal to us what kind of God-hated scourge is coming
to the Serbian capital of Belgrade, and through this, to the entire Serbian
righteous servant Lot did not support, defend or justify his fellow-citizens,
the Sodomites, who practiced the God-hated, unnatural sin of
homosexuality. God sent two angels to
destroy the city of Sodom and all its surroundings because the horrible cry of
Sodom’s sin rose up all the way to Him, for human nature itself, violated and
defiled by this unnatural fornication, cried out to God for punishment. Thus the angels told Lot that they were sent
by God to wipe out all who rose against their own nature and thereby angered
their Creator, Who set the bounds of morality in nature. It should be mentioned that the Sodomites,
young and old, as it is written in the Old Testament, not only practiced their
sin among themselves but also drew others to it. The good Lot at the entry to the city met
with the two angels in the appearance of two handsome youths, foreign
travelers, and invited them to spend the night in his home. To some extent he did this for the sake of
showing hospitality, but also to protect them from his lecherous
fellow-citizens. The travelers were
settled at his house; but before they
had lain down to sleep, the Sodomites, young and old, surrounded Lot’s house
and cried out to Lot to give the foreign youths over to them so that they could
commit this unnatural fornication with them.
And the good Lot addressed them, “Do not evil, my brothers. Behold, I have two daughters who are virgins,
I will lead them out to you to do with them what you will, only do not touch
these men, for they have come under my roof.”
All the same, the citizens of Sodom, enflamed not with natural, but with
unnatural passion, did not desire Lot’s daughters, but only these young
arrivals with which to satisfy their disgusting and lawless lust. Seeing this,
the angels of God sent upon the Sodomites a blindness, which disabled them to
the extent that they were not only unable to find Lot’s house, but even their
own houses. Then the angels told Lot to
lead his closest relatives out of the city, for Sodom would be destroyed on
account of its unnatural sin which was great before the Lord. Lot went out of the city with his wife and
daughters, and God sent down from the heavens a shower of fire and brimstone,
destroying Sodom and all the surrounding cities, fields, people and
animals. (Genesis chapter 19).
order to perceive better just how much this unnatural sin of Sodom is terrible
and despicable to God, we will also cite the terrifying testimony of the
ancient holy father Blessed Jerome, who states that all of those miserable
people who were sunk in the Sodomite sin were killed throughout the world by
fire and lightning on the holy night our Savior Jesus Christ was born of the
Most Pure Theotokos; for the source of
all purity, Christ, did not allow any such terrible unnatural sin to exist on
the Earth when he arrived on it in the moment of His birth.
all of this, beware, O pervert, beware, O most lawless citizen of modern Sodom
(LGBT)! Tremble and recoil body and
soul, that you not become a member of these ancient Sodomites, that God not unexpectedly strike you from
above with thunder and lightning! Or
that He command that the earth open up beneath you and swallow you alive down
to Hades! This warning is for all those
who support this terrible God-hated sin:
for consider it logically, what would have happened to the righteous Lot
if he had supported or at least tolerated the unnatural iniquity of his fellow
citizens? On the contrary, he even
offered his daughters to be dishonored, to at least bring the Sodomites to a
lesser sin, the sin of fornication!
Would God have saved him from this terrible punishment, the annihilation
of the city and its citizens, if he had been “tolerant”? Certainly not! Thus, Brother and Sister citizens of Belgrade,
Brother and Sister Serbs, let us show our non-violent but clear and open
disapproval of Sodomites who shamelessly, without any fear of God, would bring His great, inexorable wrath upon
our Serbian capital and our entire country with their public promotion of the
accursed sin of Sodom. The flood of
Biblical dimensions which recently took place in Serbia was only a gentle
warning in comparison with all that could happen to us, if with this parade of
the sexually perverted we open the Pandora’s box of a God-hated,
soul-destroying torrent which will overwhelm the little spiritual and moral
values which our people still preserve. Making
possible the public promotion of sexual perversion in the streets of the
Serbian capital is only the first step to abhorrent iniquity of unforeseeable
proportions! Do not be deceived! Sodomites will not be satisfied with “breaking
through barriers.” A free parade of
Sodomites through the main streets of a capital is not a goal in and of
itself; it is only a stepping
stone. As elsewhere throughout the
“civilized” world, they will seek afterwards from the state to legalize their
marriages, which also implies the right of these same-sex “married couples” to
adopt children, which is an evil such as the Earth has not yet seen. Do our children have to look at these public
parades of evil in the streets, at which the heavens recoil, being forced on us
by the new totalitarian and anti-Christian state ideology? Are we ready to give over our Serbia to
occupation, without any resistance, by such utterly destructive anti-values, to
be humiliated, trampled upon and defiled, and in such a state leave her as inheritance
to our children? What gives us the right
to allow such a thing? St. Sava’s Orthodox faith? In no way!
The centuries-old values of national honor and chastity which our
forefathers passed down to us, for our sakes and that of generations to come?
Certainly not!
being so, the duty of every Serbian
Orthodox Christian is to pronounce his NO! loud and clear to the Sodomite
revolutionists. They must not be allowed
to break the “barrier” of St. Sava’s Serbia!
Who is able to, and feels ready to, let him go out on that day in a
peaceful but open way to express his opposition, protest, intolerance of and
disgust at this insolent public promotion of evil. As for those who are not able to express
their disagreement publicly, let them show their disapproval with any gesture
of this day of shame and provocation of God’s wrath on us. What is most important: may everyone on this day honestly pray to our
long-suffering God in sorrow and repentance that He may deliver Belgrade from
the aggression of the Sodomite revolution in its streets. Let us pray for all who support and tolerate
this mindlessness. Let us pray for the
unfortunate policemen who, for the majority of them unwillingly, must defend
from their own people something so disgusting, the very thing which, according
to God’s justice, they should protect their people from. Has not Serbia suffered enough because of our
sins and the sins of our forefathers, who accepted the forceful overthrow of
monarchy and the anointed of God, so that the bloody dictatorship of revolutionists,
that is, the Godless communists, was set up as the legal government in
Serbia? That curse endures to this very
day. Without even being freed of this
first curse, shall we bring yet another upon our heads and those of our
Sunday the 28th of September, the Serbian nation must first and
above all show their loyalty to God, St. Sava, all of our God-loving ancestors,
and to our centuries-old Christian traditions.
Serbia must break off from the mindless demonstration of loyalty to the
false, perverse values of godless Europe and the Zionist oligarchy that would,
with this deed, finish off the last remains of the Christian moral values of
our suffering fatherland. Any state’s
acceptance of the conducting of this Sodomist revolutionary parade is not only
a matter of accepting the false anti-Christian values which are being forced on
us by the New World Order, but is also a mystical act of initiation for that
nation and people into this Order, equivalent to denunciation of Christ: for
this very reason it is so important to say NO to the Sodomite revolution!
is not against peace and tolerance, but it cannot support and tolerate
everything. “One should love a good peace, that which has a good purpose and unites one
with God. But when it is a matter of
obvious godlessness,” say the Holy Fathers, “then one should accept fire and
the sword, regardless of the demands of time, authorities, or anyone, rather
than in any way receiving the evil leaven, drawing closer to evil.”
worst thing of all is to fear anything more than God.
beseech the blessing of God for every form of non-violent, dignified protest of
this unheard-of, public promotion of evil and sin.
beseech all the faithful children of St. Sava’s Serbian Church to rise up and
defend the good and God-pleasing values of the traditional Christian family.
us fervently pray to God to bring reason to the persons in charge who, by His
allowance, because of our sins, are today in power in Serbia, that this public,
God-hated glorification of the Sodomite sin, be pronounced absolutely undesired
in Serbia once and for all.
the glory of the God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, Amen!
Bishop of Uteshiteljevo
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