
уторак, 17. јун 2014.

Help in the form of milk collected in the philanthropic action begun by the Serbian TOC given to those who have suffered the most in Obrenovac

After the first donations from abroad, the philanthropic action begun by the Serbian TOC at the end of May this year for the aid of the catastrophic flood victims in Serbia made its first humanitarian visit to the most devastated in Obrenovac, or to be more exact, to the centers where have gathered those who have suffered the most from the floods.  After researching what is most necessary for the sufferers,  Abbess Efrosinia Nikolic and Uteshiteljevo Priest Fr. Jovan Ristic brought help in the form of long-lasting packaged milk to the location.

Three hundred liters of milk were bought, and the dairy itself donated 100 liters more.

Along with giving out the milk, the humanitarian action included comforting conversations with the suffering, and Mother Abbess visited all of the rooms in which the hundreds of flood victims have been settled.  Entire families with children and the elderly have been left with nothing at all.  All of them live in very difficult conditions, being given nothing but canned fish and bread daily already for weeks now.

These people are in need of help!

We continue to call on all of you who are able to help.  Essential help is needed for these misfortunate ones in the form of basic long-lasting groceries and chemical/hygienic materials.  A suggestion to our faithful:  help at least in the form of one shopping trip to the super market or bringing quality used clothes, shoes, blankets, or summer bedding from your homes.  All of this can be brought to Uteshiteljevo Monastery from whence it will be taken and put into the hands of the flood victims.

May the Lord bless you and strengthen you in every good work,  for if you even give a even cup of cold water to one of these suffering ones, in the name of Christ, you will not lose your heavenly reward. 
(Mt. 10:42).

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