Serbian TOC Church-Laity
Belgrade – The
Paraclete – Novi Banovci
19-27 October 2013
Saturday October 19:
Arrival of Council participants from at home and abroad, settling into accommodations. Festive pannikhida for Serbian Patriarchs Dimitry,
Barnabas and Gabriel at 4:00 PM at The Paraclete. Vespers following.
Sunday October 20: At
The Paraclete, Matins Service at 7:00 AM which will be followed by a festive
conciliar hierarchal Liturgy in which the hierarchs of the Russian True Orthodox
Church will participate.
Monday October 21:
Novi Banovci: at ________*,
Moleben at 10:00 AM before beginning of Council session. Beginning of session. Selection of working bodies of Council. Introductory words by Bishop Akakije. Adoption of program and daily schedule. Consideration and ratification of Serbian TOC
Tuesday October 22:
From 10:00 AM, second day of Council session. Consideration and selection of administrative
bodies of the STOC. Selection of the
Eparchial Council, selection of Eparchial court and definition of their
Wednesday October 23:
From 10:00 AM, third day of Council session. Consideration and ratification of official
confession of faith of the Serbian TOC ecclesiological position.
Thursday October 24:
Free day. Excursion with guests
from Russian TOC to Belgrade, Sremski Karlovci and Hopovo Monastery.
Friday October 25:
From 10:00, fourth day of Council sitting. Consideration and ratification of remaining
subjects at hand.
Saturday October 26:
Fifth day of Council session from 10:00 AM. Concluding session of Council and Moleben
after completion of Council sessions.
Sunday October 27: At
The Paraclete, festive conciliar hierarchical Liturgy and procession in
celebration of first feastday of The Lower Paraclete convent’s
patron saint, the Venerable Mother Catherine of Lesna and Hopovo. The Church-Laity Council of the Serbian TOC will
conclude with this festive Liturgy.
*Location of the Council session preventively not
published in order to avoid possible obstruction by the Official Church.
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