
понедељак, 8. април 2013.

We Want Kosovo and Metohija, Not the EU!

The Russian Imperial tricolor, Our Lord and caption: Glory to Russia!
The protest “Things Can’t Go On Like This” which has grown into a people’s referendum FOR Kosovo and Metohija in the Composition of Serbia, organized by the Dveri Movement with the support of other patriotic movements (NSP Nashi, Srpski Obraz, Zavetnitsi, the Ravnagora Movement, the Never Borders Initiative, Movement for Serbia, etc) along with individuals has begun its third day. 

Today in front of the Government of Serbia headquarters, a group of believers of the STOC with Fr. Nektarije and Abbess Efrosinia at their head joined with the students, Dveri members and other patriotic organizations which had already for three days with give their message, We want Kosovo and Metohija, Not the EU!
New Stjenik Abbess interviews with a German television team
We all gathered together today, regardless of our religious or political affiliations, for this is not just a protest of the respected Dveri Movement, this is a protest of free patriotic Serbia, the majority of Serbia which refuses to be enslaved to Brussels, just as Serbia in 1914 refused to be enslaved to Austro-Hungary!
Hieromonk Nektarije, in the background, bombed-out building of the Serbian Military headquarters destroyed by the NATO alliance in 1999. 
These all-patriot protests put pressure on the government of the Republic of Serbia, and the Brussels ultimatum was officially rejected today. One battle has been won but the war certainly has not.  We should continue with all-national patriotic pressure that the Republic of Serbia should hold the following stances in the continuation of negotiations: 

  • Return to the framework of the Serbian Constitution and Resolution 1244, to stop making borders with Kosovo and Metohija and recognizing the so-called independence of Kosovo.
  • Reject the European Union blackmail and choose the defense of Kosovo and Metohija in being in the composition of Serbia.
  • Recommend returning to discussions of the status of Kosovo and Metohija in the United Nations Security Council.
  • Seek the return of the Russian military contingent in Kosovo and Metohija for the protection of the Serbian people.

Defend Serbia – Betrayal will not succeed!

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