The Paraclete
Resava-Shumadia Eparchy, Serbian True
Orthodox Church
Hayduchka Jaruga, Ralja, Belgrade
Official Statement of the Serbian True
Orthodox Church
Concerning the Brutal Attack on Hieromonk Maxim
night around 9 PM, three individuals wearing balaclavas burst onto the Serbian
True Orthodox Church property “The Paraclete” in Ralja, near Belgrade, and beat
up Hieromonk Maxim with metal rods, breaking his leg and inflicting other
severe bodily wounds. The masked attackers also ransacked Fr.Maxim’s monastic
hut and threw a Molotov cocktail on the wooden church, which only by a miracle
of God did not burn down.
the year which we festively celebrate the signing of the Edict of Milan 1700
years ago, in which Emperor Constantine declared the freedom to choose and
confess one’s faith for all the residents of the Roman Empire, including
Christians, Fr. Maxim suffered exactly because he confesses the Orthodox Faith
according the Holy Fathers of the Orthodox Church, and because he belongs to
the Serbian True Orthodox Church – Orthodox
anti-ecumenists and zealots for the preservation of pure faith.
attack on Fr. Maxim was preceded by verbal threats and attempts at intimidation
that the representatives of the STOC reported to the police a month ago. The
local clergy of the official Serbian Orthodox Church, with Bishop John of
Shumadia at their head, have been publicly calling the people for months to
drive the True Orthodox Christians out of their area. The Shumadia Eparchy of
the Serbian Patriarchate has likewise put pressure on the Sopot municipality to
stop the granting of a building permit - for which the documents were already
given in order four months ago – along with demanding that all already-existing
structures on the property be demolished.
expect the responsible state authorities to resist this kind of pressure, and
to apprehend and justly punish Fr. Maxim’s assailants as soon as possible, to
demonstrate that the free confession of faith in Serbia is not just an empty
phrase. We also ask for all the faithful
to pray for the health of the courageous servant of God, Hieromonk Maxim.
Informational Service of the Serbian True
Orthodox Church
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