The exhibition testifies to the heroism of
the Church in Her resistance to the God-hating powers, and her refusal to
compromise and cooperate with the Bolsheviks, along with the confessional
podvig of descending into the catacombs of the main actors in this heroic
resistance, the hieromartyrs and confessors of the Russian Catacomb Church,
like St. Joseph of Petrograd, St. Seraphim Zvezdinski, and many others, who
were persecuted, tortured and killed because they were guilty of only one thing
–belonging to the so-called “counter-revolutionary organization” of the “True
Orthodox Church.” In this exhibition one
could see the personal effects of the hieromartyrs themselves, along with those
of their persecutor/executioners. Aside from divine service items, there were
handwritings, original documents, uniforms, weapons, posters, etc.
Unfortunately, because the exhibition was
organized by the Moscow Patriarchate, true confessors and hieromartyrs were
mixed up with sufferers from the ranks of the Sergianists – especially those
who were deluded by Stalin’s post-war deception of the renewal of the
patriarchate, recognized the false Patriarch Sergius, and compromised and
cooperated with the God-hating, militant anti-Christian power, such as Bishops
Anastasius Saharov and Luke Vojno-Jasenitski.
Along with this, the conclusion of the
exhibit was that in the end, after all, the Russian Church –i.e., the Moscow
Patriarchate - prevailed over all the temptations of suffering and persecution
from the God-hating powers, and that through the canonization of the Holy Royal
Martyrs and the Holy New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia, along with the final
union with the Russian Church Abroad, won freedom and victory. Whoever does not
know well the history of the Russian Church in the 20th century and her
division into the true catacomb and false Sergianist church could believe in
such a “happy end.” The truth, however, is far from this shameless Sergianist chicanery.
In any case, the exhibition is precious, in that
these original articles very strikingly show the horror of persecution and the
life-in-persecution conditions of the Russian Church which had been cornered
into the grace-filled conditions of the Catacomb existence.
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