
петак, 31. август 2012.



“ To every thing there is a season, and a time to
every purpose under heaven.” Eccl. 3:1

Man proposes, but God disposes. Our Church has recently been faced with unforeseen expenses and financial difficulties, as well as with problems in the organization of church life. After much prayer and upon consulting with our priesthood, faithful flock and friends, we have decided that it will be of greater benefit to our Holy Church to postpone our Sobor, which was to be held from October 7-14, until a later date, to be announced in the near future. We sincerely regret if we have inconvenienced anyone who might already have made plans to be with us for the Sobor.  And we ask your holy prayers that the Lord might help us overcome our trials and continue to work for the establishment of True Orthodoxy in Serbia.
Bishop Akakije

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